The Three Marys at the Tomb
Birth Of Venus
Angels Playing Violin
Woman and Cherub
Premium Giclee Print : $199.99
Childhood Idyll
La Naissance de Venus 1863
The First Kiss c.1873 (detail)
Parure des Champs
Stretched Canvas Print : $159.99
Awakening of the Heart
Not Too Much to Carry
Head Study of a Young Girl (detail)
La Treille
Stretched Canvas Print : $74.99
Les Deux Soeurs c.1877
Stretched Canvas Print : $74.99
The Little Shepherdess
Stretched Canvas Print : $74.99
The Ravishment of Psyche
The Birth of Venus 1879
Stretched Canvas Print : $59.99
The Virgin with Angels
Stretched Canvas Print : $59.99
Young Girls Dressing
Stretched Canvas Print : $59.99
A Little Coaxing
A Little Shepherdess 1891
A Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros
Album: Allegory of the Revolutionary Calendar Month
Album: Studies for a Composition Women and Children
Album: Studies of Women and Children Infant Sleeping
Album: Studies of Women with Children: Adam and Eve
At The Fountain
Biblis or Byblus
Birth of Venus 1879
Bohemienne au Tambour de Basque 1867
Chansons De Printemps 1889
Cupid and Psyche 1889
Cupidon 1891
Dark-Haired Beauty 1898
Etude: Tete de Petite Fille 1888
Flora and Zephyr 1875
Fragment of a Letter Inside the Bellows of the Album
Heavenly Spring 1895
Invading Cupid’s Realm
Irene 1897
Italian Girl with a Basque Drum
Jeune Ecoliere 1868
La Toilette Rustique 1869
La Vague 1896
Le Jour Des Morts (All Soul’s Day)
Les Jeunes Baigneuses 1879
L’Oiseau Cheri 1867
Mauvaise Ecoliere 1871
Moissoneuse’ or ‘L’Italienne a la Fontaine’ 1868
Napoleon III Visiting Flood Victims of Tarascon in June 1856 1856
Orphan by a Spring (Orpheline a la Fontaine) 1883
Petite Mendiante 1880
Pieta 1876
Portrait of Gabrielle Drienza 1890
Portrait of Madame Olry-Roederer 1900
Reflexions 1893
Reverie 1894
Seule au monde (Alone in the World) c.1867
Sketch of a Young Girl’s Head
Sketchbook Circa 1865-1870: Folio Virgin Hand Study
Sketchbook Circa 1865-1870; Studies with Characters
Sketchbook: a Study of Women and Women with Children
Sketchbook: Release Breton Church Children in Arms
Song of The Angels
Spring 1858
The Heart’s Awakening 1892
The Nut Gatherers 1882 (Oil on Canvas)
The Oreads 1902
The Red Ribbon 1869
Une Âme Au Ciel (A Soul in Heaven) 1878
Woman in a Striped Dress
Young Fellah Girl 1876
Young Girl Knitting 1874
Young Italian Girl Drawing Water From A Well 1871
Young John the Baptist
Yvonette 1867
Album: Blank Sheet; Composition Studies with Children
Album: Blank Sheet; Studies Portrait of a Young Boy
Album: Blank Sheet; Study of Female Figure Standing
Album: Figure Study Study of Composition for a Pieta
Album: Figures Studies Evac Annotations Blank Sheet
Album: Leaf Virgin Woman with Child and Child’s Head
Brother and Sister c.1887
Pages: 1 2
Pages: 1 2