Conversation dans un Parc
Premium Giclee Print : $239.99
Portrait of Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire
Premium Giclee Print : $159.99
Conversation in a Park Portrait of the Artist and His Wife Margaret Burr
A Hilly Landscape with Figures Approaching a Bridge C.1763
A Landscape with Cattle and Figures by a Stream and a Distant Bridge
A River Landscape with a Mounted Herdsman Driving Cattle and Sheep over a Bridge
A Woman in Blue (Portrait of the Duchess of Beaufort)
A Wooded Landscape with Faggot Gatherers by a Path a White Horse Tethered Beyond
A Wooded Landscape with Peasants in a Country Waggon
A Woodland Pool with Rocks and Plants C.1765-70
An Imaginary Wooded Village with Drovers and Cattle C.1771-72
An Open Landscape in Suffolk with a Waggon on a Track
Anne Spencer
Bildnis Mrs.Thomas Hibbert 1786
Charles Cornwallis 1st Marquis Cornwallis
Edward Augustus Duke of Kent C.1787
Elizabeth Chudleigh
Gainsborough’s Forest (“Cornard Wood”) circa 1748
George Iv as Prince of Wales 1782
Georgiana Spencer Afterwards Duchess of Devonshire
Giovanna Baccelli Engraved by John Jones
Honourable Mr Justice Blackstone engraved by Hall
James 8th Earl of Abercorn in Peer’s Robes 1778
Johann Christian Bach 1776
Lady Lloyd and Her Son Richard Savage Lloyd of Hintlesham Hall Suffolk
Landscape with Figures on a Path c.1746-48
Landscape with Rustics and Donkeys on a Path
Landscape with Stream and Weir
Landscape: Storm Effect
Lord Hastings
Major John Dade (1726-1811) of Tannington Suffolk
Margareth and Mary Gainsborough
Mary Countess Howe circa 1763-4
Miss Theodosia Magill Countess Clanwilliam
Mountain Landscape with Figures Sheep and Fountain C.1785-88
Mr and Mrs Andrews about 1750
Mr and Mrs William Hallett (‘The Morning Walk’)
Mr Clayton Jones C.1744-45
Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Bullingdon House Bulmer Essex
Mr. and Mrs. George Byam and Their Eldest Daughter Selina circa 1764
Mrs Sarah Siddons the Actress
Mrs. Fitzherbert
Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan circa 1785-6
Mrs. Sarah Siddons
Portrait of a Gentleman
A Lady Bust Length in a Pink and White Dress Trimmed with Lace and a Pearl Necklace
Portrait of Bishop Woodward Half Length in Clerical Robes C.1756-58
Portrait of David Garrick 1742
Portrait of Johann Christian Bach
Portrait of John Pamplin. Probably About 1752
Portrait of Miss Boone Wearing a White Dress with Gold Embroidery and Pearl Chain
Portrait of Mrs. Lowndes-Stone circa 1775
Portrait of Peter Darnal Muilman Charles Crockatt and William Keeble
Portrait of Sir Edward Willes in Judge’s Robes
Portrait of the Artist Bust Length in a Green Coat and White Stock
Portrait of the Countess of Sussex Bust Length in a Blue Dress with Black Facings
Portrait of the Rev. Humphrey Gainsborough in a Black Coat and White Cravat
Portrait of Wilhelmina Campbell Viscountess Glenorchy
Self Portrait 1787
Shepherd Boy Listening to a Magpie
Sir Jeffery Amherst
Spitz Dog C.1760-70
Study of Goats
Suffolk Landscape 1748
The Hon. Mrs. Thomas Graham
The Market Cart 1786
The Painter’s Daughters Mary and Margaret c.1758
The Suffolk Plough c.1753-54
The Three Eldest Daughters of George III: Princesses Charlotte Augusta and Elizabeth
Thomas Gainsborough R.A Engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi 1798
Thomas Pennant Engraved by Ambroise Tardieu (Engraving)
William Johnstone-Pulteney Later 5th Baronet C.1772
William Lowndes (1652-1724) Auditor of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer 1771
William Poyntz of Midgham and His Dog Amber
Wooded Landscape with a Cottage Sheep and a Reclining Shepherd C.1748-50
Wooded Landscape with Carts and Figures
Wooded Landscape with Castle C.1785-88
Wooded Landscape with Figures Bridge Donkeys Distant Buildings and Mountain
The Watering Place
Woman in Blue Portrait of the Duchess of Beaufort
Mr and Mrs John Gravenor and their Daughters Elizabeth and Ann
Portrait of a Lady Said to Be Elizabeth Chudleigh Countess of Bristol
Portrait of John 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire Three-Quarter Length in Peer’s Robes
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